The Best Easter Bunny Tracker for 2022
Here's how to track down that bunny.

Now that Santa Claus is back at HQ enjoying some well-deserved downtime in the North Pole, kids will want to start tuning their Easter Bunny Trackers. The arrival of the Easter rabbit essentially marks the beginning of spring, as the legendary bunny hops around the globe delivering Easter baskets, chocolate rabbits, dyed eggs, and toys. The best way to keep tabs on the Easter Bunny’s progress is through your official Easter Bunny tracker.
Some parents indulge in the fantastical legends we tell our kids more than others. The parents that put out cookies and milk on Christmas Eve, making sure to creep out in the middle of the night to eat at least a few to make it seem like Saint Nicholas himself got his fair share; and the parents who covertly slide a crisp bill under their kid’s pillow the night they lose a tooth, sacrificing all credit to the imagined Tooth Fairy.
But the Easter Bunny is a little trickier: there are few rituals that give much prominence to the Easter rabbit. After decorating eggs as a family, few parents put in the effort to make it seem as if anyone other than themselves scattered dyed eggs around the backyard to be scavenged. The Easter Bunny Tracker, a downloadable app and website, adds a little extra kid-friendly magic to the spring holiday by allowing kids to track the Easter Bunny in real-time starting on Easter Eve.
How Does the Easter Bunny Tracker Work?
The easter bunny app has a tracker that will tell users the precise location of the Easter Bunny on an hourly basis starting at 5 p.m. E.T. on Easter Eve. According to the website, it uses a “sophisticated system” that includes radar, satellites, and even Easter Bunny Helpers, a group of magical animals who help the Easter Bunny, akin to Santa’s reindeer. Legend has it that the Easter Bunny hails from Easter Island, from where he travels across the world gifting kids with baskets full of sweets and goodies. His most famous stops include Christmas Island and American Samoa.
Of course, those of us that don’t believe in the supernatural bunny know that the Easter Bunny tracker’s GPS can’t be actually following the Easter Bunny’s real-life travels. But half the fun is suspending reality for a few minutes while tracking the bunny’s every move with the kids. Aside from the bunny’s exact location, users can see how many deliveries he’s made, how fast he’s going, and how many carrots he’s eaten.
Easter will look a little different this year as families are still avoiding larger gatherings in response to the pandemic, which is why it’s more important than ever to infuse whimsical magic into the holiday. The Easter Bunny Tracker is the easiest way to amp up your kids’ anticipation the days leading up to the holiday and give them something to wholeheartedly believe in, at least for a short while.
Where Can I Get the Easter Bunny Tracker?
The best and “official” Easter Bunny Tracker is right here as an app. And online here.
This article was originally published on