The Best Damn Sneakers To Wear With The Best Damn Jeans
Winter is a time for heavyweight jeans and high top sneakers. Here’s one take on that perfect combo.

Winter is a time for heavyweight selvedge denim jeans. They just feel right — with a warm weight and fabric that can stand up to the harshest time of year. Nashville-based clothier Imogene + Willie makes the best blue jeans on Earth. So that's an easy choice for these months. I wear mine with a three inch cuff. They look good with Chelsea boots and chukkas, but finding that just right sneaker pairing has been a challenge. My white Chucks looked pretty sharp, too, I thought. But then it occurred to me that the answer is — has to be! — all-white Achilles high tops by Common Projects. Special pants demand elevated shoes.
This isn’t the first time we at Fatherly have featured lux sneakers by the brand Common Projects. We included the low top version of this very shoe, the Achilles, in the inaugural edition of Sneaker Hall of Fame — and with good reason.
The Achilles is the rare shoe you can actually pair with a tailored-suit and not look like you’re trying too hard. The Achilles is simple and sleek, devoid of swooshes and stripes. They're also readily available — independent of a release calendar; immune to the hype- cycle and the secondary market. These are sneakers for grown-ups. Add a pair of selvedge jeans and you’re set for the season.