The 18 Best Jokes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe
"We have a Hulk" is just the beginning.

Why are the Marvel movies so damn popular? Well, that might be the wrong question, because the more important question should be: how did the Marvel movies get to be so damn funny? What are the best jokes in the funniest Marvel movies?
From Iron Man in 2008 to Avengers: Endgame in 2019, one thing moviegoers have always been able to count on from these films is a one-liner quip machine even in the bleakest of installments. Figuring out all the funniest moments in all 22 installments of the official Marvel Cinematic Universe might seem like a task better suited to one of Tony Stark’s supercomputers, but since Jarvis and Friday aren’t real, you’ll have to deal with human bias. So, with that in mind, here are 18 of the best jokes from the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe. And to avoid saying any of these jokes are better or worse than others, we’re just listing these jokes in chronological order.
Warning: Joke spoilers for all Marvel movies ahead!
1. “Let’s face it, this is not the worst thing you’ve caught me doing.”
When Pepper Potts walks in on Tony messing with his Iron Man suit, this classic Stark comeback cannot be beaten.
“We have a Hulk.”
From the 2012 Avengers, Tony Stark’s rebuttal to Loki’s boast “I have an army” is “We have a Hulk.” This is made all the sweeter when you consider Loki himself says “We have a Hulk” when he stands-up to Thanos in Infinity War.
“Better clench up, Legolas.”
Tony Stark’s pop culture references are an artform. If you don’t know who Legolas is and why this is funny, I’m sorry that I have to explain this to you: Legolas is an elf archer from Lord of the Rings. Hawkeye is an archer. Okay. enough explaining.
“I’m a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster.”
This Tony Stark quip is preceded by him complimenting Bruce Banner on his scientific achievements, which of course, is totally overshadowed by his ability to Hulk-out.
“No hard feelings, Point Break.”
I’m not going to explain this reference. I’ll explain Lord of the Rings references, but not this one. Either you get it, or you don’t. (If you’re reading this website and you’re a dad, I’m guessing you get this.)
“I understood that reference!”
Steve Rogers is great when he gets super-earnest in subsequent Avengers flicks, but he’s pretty much the best when he’s struggling with 21st-century pop culture references. In the first Avengers, when Steve actually understands one of Nick Fury’s references to The Wizard of Oz, his reaction is pure gold.
“The city is flying. We’re fighting an army of robots. And I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense.”
One of the funniest meta-fictional lines in any Marvel movie. Hawkeye knows nothing about his role in these movies makes sense.
“Why would I put my finger on his throat?”
You could, in theory, do an entire list of just great jokes and funny moments from both Guardians of the Galaxy movies and their appearances in Infinity War and Endgame. I’ve tried to prevent too many Guardians jokes from dominating this list. But still, when Star-Lord is trying to reason with Drax in that prison, this visual gag where Drax doesn’t understand the pantomime for killing someone is hilarious.
“If I had a black light, this place would look like a Jackson Pollock painting”
A crass joke that flies over the head of kids and into the ears of knowing adults. Nice. Totally on-brand from Chris Pratt’s Star-Lord. Also, fun fact, this line was ad-libbed by Chris Pratt on the spot.
“He says he’s an a-hole, and I’m quoting him here, but he’s not 100 percent…a dick”
John C. Reilly’s small role in Guardians of the Galaxy is underrated. It just is.
“If you say one more word, I’ll feed you to my children! I’m kidding. We’re vegetarians.”
M’baku might not be as famous as T’Challa in the kingdom of Wakanda, but he’s pretty much the funniest person in Black Panther.
“He’s a friend from work!”
When Thor realizes he’s supposed to fight the Hulk in Ragnarok, he’s thrilled and relieved. This line is fantastic because it’s so relatable, but it’s made ten times sweeter when you know that a Make-A-Wish kid actually suggested the line in the first place. True story!
“Dude, you’re embarrassing me in front of the wizards.”
Tony Stark and Bruce Banner’s reunion in Infinity War is full of a lot of great moments, but this joke is easily the best.
“OH! we’re using our made-up names!”
The lovable innocence of Tom Holland’s Peter Parker is always great and when he understandably doesn’t understand that Dr. Strange’s real name is Dr. Strange, it’s one of the funniest moments in the entire series.
“Kick names. Take ass”
Mantis’ mangling of a pretty common cliche turns it into something very different thanks to her naivite — and impeccable timing.
“I get emails from a raccoon, so nothing sounds crazy.”
Black Widow is super tired in this Avengers: Endgame one-liner, but her workplace emails are certainly a little different than yours. Or are they?
“What’s up, regular-sized man?”
Rhodey gets in on the one-liner action, in one of the best jokes for Endgame. Picking on Ant-Man might not be nice, but it is hilarious.
“As far as I’m concerned, that is America’s ass.”
Paul Rudd, an actual comedic actor who found his way into the Marvel universe as Ant-Man, gets what is probably the very best line in Avengers: Endgame. This joke is so good, it gets repeated by Steve Rogers as he’s staring at former-him’s ass.