
Everything You Need To Know This Week If You’re A Parent

All the news that's fit to parent.

by Lauren Vinopal
Weekly Parenting News Digest
Aaron Cutler Memorial Library

This week in parenting Trip Advisor had your summer plans covered with great vacation recommendations, which will come in handy because your kid may have a genetic mutation that compels them to travel the world. You found out how your school district stacks up in the national achievement gap, and if that makes you want to move out of state completely, consider going south or west (everyone is doing it). The sleep-training debate was sort of solved, at least according to The American Academy of Pediatrics, and if their findings make you angry, just wait until you meet The Rich Parents Of Instagram. If that’s too much for your temper, wash it down with a beer while appreciating the attainable physiques of vintage superheroes, because dadbods matter.

4 Reasons You Might Not Want Your Kid To Be A Workaholic

There are people who live to work and work to live. If you’re not sure what camp you want your kid to fall into, other than the not broke one, this study suggests that pushing your kid too hard can lead to problems far beyond being too rich. Read more…

Here Are The Best Vacation Destinations According To A Gazillion TripAdvisor Users

Your kid may not be the best travel companion (they never even offer to pay), but family vacations are important for bonding and memories. The trick is figuring out the best vacation to take with your family, which TripAdvisor’s 2016 Travelers’ Choice Awards have covered. If your trip is still isn’t successful, then you can blame their users instead of your spouse. Read more…

Thinking About Moving? Check Out The Data On Which States Are Winning And Losing People

Now that you’re a parent, you thought your days of peers pressure were far behind you. But if you’re thinking of migrating out of state, national trends of where people leaving and going to may help nudge you in the right direction. Sadly, they wont help you pack though. Read more…

The Whole Adults Living In Their Parents’ Basement Thing? It’s Getting Worse

When you ask your kid what they want to be when they grow up, the one answer you don’t want to hear is “a millennial.” Now this new trend of them not moving out of their parent’s house has gone too far, and makes SnapChat seem tolerable. Read more…

The New York Times

These 3 Interactive Graphs Will Explain The Country’s Academic Achievement Gap

The U.S. School system has always grappled with achievement gaps. That doesn’t mean seeing it laid out by district, race and income makes it any easier to stomach. Hopefully interactive graphs kind of do.

How To Tell If Your Kid Is A ‘Head’ Person Or A ‘Heart’ Person

Most people locate their sense of self in one of two places — their head or heart. Depending on your kid’s ever developing personality, you may be able to guess what kind of head or heart they’ll grow into. Read more…

Why Your Kid’s Genetic Makeup Might Dictate If They’ll Be A World Traveler

You can blame genetics on a lot of things, and you might eventually be able to hold them accountable for your kid backpacking through Europe. There’s a specific gene variation that could influence your kid to seek even more sand in their shoes. Read more…


Proof That Your Kid’s Favorite Superheroes Used To Look A Lot More Like You

If you think superheroes are not what they used to be, congratulations on always being right. A recent side-by-side comparison of vintage and modern comic book characters reveals that they have gotten progressively less approachable with time. Time to introduce Junior into the classics. Read more…

Netflix’s New Report On Binge Watching Can Help Optimize Your Kid-Free TV Time

You’ve heard the phrase “Netflix and chill” and know it could mean sex. Thanks to Netflix’s new binge watching scale, you can avoid shows that will take you 6 hour sittings to get to the chill part. After all, your kid isn’t going to sleep that long. Read more…

These Are The Most Effective Sleep Training Methods, According To The AAP

When it comes to sleep-training, most parents have one thing in common — they’re right and will fight you. Well, the AAP’s new study may help you get your kid to sleep, but it definitely wont help you with the parents who disagree on the method that go you there. Good luck! Read more…


If You Think The Rich Kids Of Instagram Are Bad, Wait Until You Meet Their Parents

There’s nothing wrong with making money, but showing it off on social media is another story. These parents won’t turn you against privately stacking your cash, but they may turn you against Instagram for good. Read more…

Zika Isn’t Even Widespread In The U.S. And It’s Already Ruining Summer Family Plans

The Zika virus may seem like a distant problem, but according to a recent survey, the risk could mess up your family’s summer. The days of citronella solving all of your problems could be a thing of the past, but at least you’ll be less smelly and itchy. Read more…

Scientists Have Figured Out When To Drink For Optimal Happiness

Drinking can make people happy, but under what specific conditions will it? Researchers have posed this question and more, because apparently they like to party too. Read more…