
Spring Has (Almost) Sprung! The Vernal Equinox Is Here

Better days are coming! Here's how to catch the signs.

by Devan McGuinness
Originally Published: 
dad daughter spring
Mint Images - Tim Robbins / Getty Images

After a long, cold, and dark winter, spring is finally just around the horizon, and there’s plenty of reason to be seriously excited. The days are full of more light, the temperature stays at a reasonable level, and the leaves, grass, and flowers change from shades of brown to beautiful bright greens. It also marks the vernal equinox, and the impact can be seen in nature no matter where in the world you are. Here’s what you need to know.

What is the vernal equinox?


What does vernal equinox mean?

Farmer’s Almanac

When does vernal equinox happen?

Farmer’s Almanac

Can you see the signs of the vernal equinox?


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