What's The Plan, Stan?

This Map Reveals The Most Popular Dad Joke In Each State

Hi Hungry, I’m Dad.

by Devan McGuinness
Originally Published: 
This map shows the most popular dad jokes in each state, including, "Hi Hungry, I'm Dad" among other...
Dad Jokes Are Funny Jokes: The Complete Fatherly Guide

Everyone knows what a “dad joke” is. Whether they’re funny or not is almost immaterial to the point of them: They’re cheesy, they’re designed to get an eye roll out of grumpy tweens and kids, or a downright laugh out of others. The dad joke, as it were, is a fairly universal dad experience. But apparently, some dad jokes are way more popular in certain states than others.

So which dad jokes reign supreme where you live? Betting.us was determined to find out the most common “dad jokes,” and boy, did they deliver on the premise.

“Whether you admit it or not, we know you secretly love dad jokes,” the site explains. “They’re the epitome of comedy, really; so familiar and comfortable that they make you uncomfortable.”

Wanting to learn more, Betting.us surveyed 1,400 fathers across the country in May to ask “how often they use dad jokes, which are their favorites, and the reactions they get.”

Betting.us then sifted through all the data and came up with a map that shows the most popular dad jokes in each state to learn more about why the much-maligned humor is even a thing in the first place.

Before we get into which dad joke phrases are the most popular in each state, it’s important to understand why dads like dad jokes so much. The answer for a large portion of dads is really sweet — it’s all for the giggles.

Thirty-five percent said they like dad jokes because it makes their kids laugh, the survey found. Fifteen percent of dads say the jokes flow out of their mouths because it annoys their kids, and they live for the eye roll. And 23% have their dad jokes because it’s “part of their fatherly duty,” while 7% admit these dad jokes are “just a habit that’s hard to kick.”


As for the most popular dad joke across the country?

"Hi Hungry, I'm Dad!” takes the most popular dad joke, at least according to Betting.us. The second most popular phrase a dad says is the classic, "I'm not sleeping; I'm just resting my eyes."

The second most popular phrase, "Back in my day," is favored in California, Arizona, South Carolina, Missouri, and more.

Other popular phrases across the country include:

  • "You're not going to melt," in Montana.
  • “What's the plan, Stan?" in Utah, Georgia, and Michigan.
  • "Ask your mother," was top in Vermont, Ohio, Iowa, and Oklahoma.
  • "Money doesn't grow on trees," is a favorite in Colorado and New Mexico.

For more findings from Betting.us’ look at dad jokes, visit their full report.

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