
Proof Every Dad Always Texts Using the Same One-Word Reply

Seems okay with us...

by Ryan Britt
Originally Published: 

Dad texts can be epic. Dad texts can be funny. But, it turns out, that most of the time, a Dad Text is usually just very, very succinct. In fact, as one Twitter thread revealed, most dads are very reliant on one word. And that word is totally okay with us.

On Monday, Mashable spotted a Twitter thread in which one young woman pointed out that matter how long a message to her dad might have been, he always replied only with “Ok.” Soon, numerous other people joined in on Twitter, pointing out the exact same phenomenon between them and their dads. All of these dads think what their kids are doing is “Ok” and are totally okay to tell them that without wasting precious characters.

In defense of this dads-of-few-words-other-than-Ok, there’s one huge advantage to relying on the word “Ok” exclusively. There’s literally no way autocorrect can mess it up. Dads often worry about saying the wrong thing to their kids and parents IRL, meaning we are extra concerned when faced with text messages.

Will dads ever change? Will we start texting super long replies? We could. But, it seems obvious that no one would truly be Ok with that.

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