Explaining Allison William as Kit Snicket in ‘Unfortunate Events’
She's different than she was in the books. But not by much.

The biggest champion of the Baudelaire orphans in season 3 of A Series of Unfortunate Events is a mysterious pregnant woman driving a cab, who occasionally dons dragonfly wings to escape. But who is Allison Williams playing in this season of the Netflix show and how does her character differ from the books?
Massive Spoilers ahead for the entire third season of Netflix’s A Series of Unfortunate Events. Even if you’ve read the books, you might want to stop reading this now if you haven’t finished the show.
The short answer is this: Allison Williams plays Kit Snicket, the sister of Lemony and Jacques Snicket. And, though her role is somewhat expanded in the third season of the Netflix adaptation of the popular kid’s book series, everything she does and everything that happens remains almost 100 percent faithful to source material. The biggest difference is simply when she actually appears in the narrative. In the books, Kit doesn’t properly appear until the 12th book, The Penultimate Peril, which are episodes five and six of this season. But, in the books, its revealed she’s been tailing Violet, Sunny, and Klaus the whole time, trying to help them and get them to help her with a job at the Hotel Denouement. All of this happens in the TV series, pretty much the same way it did in the books, with the notable difference that Kit actually meets up with Lemony Snicket, who, in this version of the story, briefly meets the orphans as the Hotel Denouement burns down. In the book, a mysterious man does offer the Baudelaires a ride, and Snicket does imply he knows the secret identity of that man, but the reader is never told it’s explicitly Lemony, nor does Kit meet him.
Other than that, Kit’s character arc is totally in the spirit of the books, which, includes her past romance with Count Olaf. Really! Though it may be hazy for some readers, Olaf does imply a past relationship with Kit in the final book, The End, and he does kiss her on the lips before she dies on the beach of the Island. What the Netflix series adds is simply a flashback where you see Olaf and Kit as a couple, hanging out at an opera.
So, the Kit Snicket in the series if just as cool as she was in the books, but thankfully this time, we get to see more of her.
A Series of Unfortunate Events season 3 is streaming now on Netflix.
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