‘Falcon and Winter Soldier,’ Superhero Names: “Battlestar” and “White Wolf,” Explained
Plus, what's up with "White Wolf?"

“Oh, we’re using our made-up names!” In Episode 2 of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, we’re introduced to one totally new superhero name, plus the return of a moniker Bucky was given way back in the post-credits scene of Black Panther. Here’s where these names come from in comic book lore. Spoilers ahead for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Episode 2, “Star-Spangled Man.”
Like the vast majority of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (and most superhero movies for that matter) nothing you see on screen is a direct analog for what happened in the various comics. Yes, John Walker (the new Cap) existed in the comics in various forms, but this version of him already seems to be a little bit different. He also doesn’t appear to have super-strength created by that serum from the WWII-era.
Similarly, the leader of the Flag-Smashers in Falcon and Winter Soldier is named Karli Morgenthau (Erin Kellyman) who, in various comics was one person named Karl Morgenthau, also called Flag-Smasher. The point is most comic book stuff that ends-up in the MCU, tends to come out a little differently. So, with that in mind, let’s talk about the two new-ish superhero names from the latest Falcon and Winter Soldier episode.
Who is White Wolf?
This one is kind of obvious. White Wolf is Bucky. Back in the post-credits scene of Black Panther, we learned Bucky was recuperating in Wakanda and was called “The White Wolf.” The thing is, he’s never publicly told the other Avengers that this is a name he goes by, until now. When same jokes that spending time in Wakanda has turned Bucky into “White Panther,” Bucky corrects him saying he’s “White Wolf,” now. But, in the comics, a superhero named “White Wolf,” was not Bucky.
“White Wolf,” first appeared in Black Panther comics, issue #4 (Volume 3) with a December 1998 cover date. (Cover dates don’t always reflect when a comic book was actually on the newsstands, to be clear. Usually, it means it came out a little earlier.) But, the character of White Wolf in the comics was a white man named “Hunter,” who was raised in Wakanda by T’Challa’s father, T’Chaka. His superhero suit is similar to Black Panther’s fly outfit, but it often has a little tiny cape with it. It feels very unlikely that Bucky will don this kind of outfit. But hey, you never know.
Who is Battlestar?
In this episode, we also meet Lemar Hoskins (Clé Bennett), AKA Battlestar, a military man who is basically on John Walker’s (Wyatt Russell) team. Hoskins clearly served with John Walker before he became the new government-appointed Cap, but like Walker, Hoskins doesn’t have superpowers. Hoskins first appeared in 1986 in Captain America # 323. And in most storylines, Hoskins (and Walker) get super-serum treatment from “Power Broker,” who was teased out in Episode 1 and is outright name-checked in Episode 2. For whatever reason, the Flag Smashers are on the run from Power Broker.
Will Hoskins and Walker buy some super-powers off of Power Broker in a future episode? So far, Battlestar and New Cap aren’t exactly villains in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, but they’re not exactly heroes either. If both of them do get super-serum from Power Broker, however, we could be looking at another full-on civil war between the Marvel superheroes.
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier drops new episodes on Fridays on Disney+.