
7 Things About ADHD In Children That Parents Get Wrong

Common ADHD myths, debunked.

by Patrick A. Coleman
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Cropped shot of an affectionate young single father playing with his son while cleaning in their kit...
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ADHD in children can be difficult for parents to come to grips with. Your child might have symptoms such as an inability to focus, emotional outbursts, and a propensity to fidget. But are these signs of ADHD, or just a case of poor discipline? That’s a tricky call, made trickier still by the fact that parents and physicians alike have been slow to accept ADHD in children as a legitimate neurodevelopmental condition.

Kids with symptoms of ADHD have been fighting an uphill battle for proper recognition and treatment in the face of wild misconceptions — and parents are often the victims of these misconceptions. But when kids with ADHD have parents who know the facts and have a deeper understanding of neurodiversity, all involved have a better chance to thrive.

Here are seven of the most common myths surrounding ADHD, debunked.

Myth #1: Only American Kids Get ADHD

“If ADHD is real, then why is it that only American children are diagnosed with it?” Solid argument — but false.

Although it is true that American children have higher rates of ADHD diagnosis, that’s because American pediatricians use the term “ADHD,” and pediatricians abroad use other terms to describe the condition. Hot dogs aren’t strictly an American phenomenon just because Germans call the same thing wienerwurst.

In fact, a paper in the journal World Psychiatry analyzed some 50 studies worldwide about diagnoses similar to ADHD and found that “the prevalence of ADHD is at least as high in many non-U.S. children as in U.S. children.”

Myth #2: ADHD Isn’t Real

ADHD feels like a modern condition. But the diagnosis was first proposed in 1902 by Sir George Frederick Still, a pediatrician who recognized patterns of hyperactivity and inattention in a small population of children. As science became more sophisticated, the diagnostic rubric for ADHD morphed into its present form.

To be fair, it wasn’t until 2013 that the condition made it into the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. But to be even fairer, study after study confirmed its legitimacy as a mental health disorder long before that.

Myth #3: A Kid With ADHD Will Always Struggle

ADHD often comes with some pretty amazing gifts that have led to great success for entrepreneurs and sports heroes who live with the condition, including Richard Branson and Michael Phelps. Turns out there’s a place in the world for hyper-attentiveness, excess energy, and even risk-taking. Will every kid with ADHD become a balloon-flying entrepreneur of a vast travel and entertainment brand? No. But they also aren’t destined for a life of crime or failure.

Myth #4: Only Boys Have ADHD

It’s true that rates of ADHD diagnoses are higher for boys than girls. But that may be because girls are more adept at hiding their symptoms because they’ve been conditioned by society to appear sweet and docile, or because they’re less likely to suffer from the substance abuse disorders that often lead to an ADHD diagnosis. There’s likely a bias in ADHD diagnosis towards boys. Girls can have ADHD, too — your doctor is just less likely to pick up on it.

Myth #5: ADHD Drugs Are Unnecessary

Those who claim ADHD medications are overprescribed often point to the Ritalin boom of the 90s. But this completely disregards the fact that there were a ton of things happening to predicate that boom, including new diagnostic techniques and the government making ADHD treatment in children eligible for Medicaid coverage. So the Ritalin spike was less about over-prescribing and more about the fact that, after generations of struggling, kids with ADHD finally got help in the 90s. The spike was temporary, and rates of intervention via medication have since been relatively flat.

Myth #6: Drugs Are the Only Treatment for ADHD

Not every ADHD diagnosis means a Ritalin prescription. Studies are finding that many children benefit from behavioral and cognitive therapies, which help them develop skills to work with the symptoms of their condition. For some kids, impulse control training, structural supports such as calendars, and even physical activity can help them manage their symptoms. For others, medication is the best choice. It really depends on the child.

Myth #7: ADHD Drugs Are Linked to School Shootings

After a school shooting in Texas, the then incoming National Rifle Association president Oliver North blamed the carnage not on guns but — wait for it — Ritalin and other stimulant medications taken for ADHD. This is obviously ridiculous. Not only do medications for ADHD help kids with impulse control, but many studies have shown that kids taking ADHD medication are less likely to engage in criminal activity. So, no, ADHD medications don’t cause school shootings.

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