
Young Girl Leads Protest Rally, Goes Viral

A young girl in Long Island went viral after protesting injustice.

by Lizzy Francis
Originally Published: 

Protests around the country continue in force after the murder of George floyd by police officer Derek Chauvin. Young folks, people of all colors, community elders, celebrities, and even young children have marched to protest the continued scourge of institutionalized police violence in this country. One video that went viral of a protest in Merrick, Long Island, yesterday, featuring a little girl named Wynta-Amor went viral. This child is marching alongside protesters with her face mask pulled down to her chin as she passionately yells, “No justice, no peace.”

Thousands of folks protested in Merrick, according to Scott Brinton, a Long Island reporter, the day after about 150 marchers were met by 30 counter-protesters in Merrick who refused to allow the anti-police violence marchers to walk past them. They shouted at them to “go home,” and eventually, Nassau County police had to escort the protesters down the sidewalk, standing in between them and the counter-protesters.

The video has been reposted all over social media by celebrities like Mark Hamill and regular folks, with some saying that the girl brought tears to their eyes, others expressing their love for her passion, and many more noting how heartbreaking it is that such a young girl as her has to march for her life when other kids get to just be kids.

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