Watch Alanis Morrissette’s Kid Adorably Interrupt Her New Fallon Performance
Alanis is every parent.

If you’re a parent in your 30s or 40s and if you remember taping music videos off-of VH1 and MTV in 1993, then I have some news for you. Alanis Morrissette is exactly like us. Sure, we don’t have Grammy Nominations and iconic songs that people can just randomly belt out without even thinking about it. And yet, I’ve got one hand in my pocket and the other one, fending off my toddler while I’m trying to finish a Zoom call.
And it turns out Alanis has the same situation. As the beloved singer-songwriter debuted her new song “Ablaze” on the Jimmy Fallon show, she was joined by her very young daughter, who, just like most kids hanging with their parents at home, randomly said “Hi mom,” and other very regular kid stuff, while Alanis was belting out her new song. Listen. I thought Alanis Morrisette was edgy AF when I was in high school. I used to blast “THANK U” over the speakers during closing time at my corporate bookstore job in 1999. Alanis is pretty cool. But, this small moment proves that there’s very little that is cooler than hitting that rare moment where your kid gets to be part of your day-to-day life in a way that is both very difficult to juggle and also, pretty damn sweet.
If you weren’t a ’90s kid, this probably won’t hit you the same way it hit some us at Fatherly. But if you listened to Alanis Morrisette’s CDs, while tying your flannel shirt around your waist, and debating about The X-Files, well, this video will remind you that you’re older now. And it’s going to be quiiiiite alright.
Oh, and her new song is great and seems to be written about her children. It’s really hard not to watch it and cry a little. Watch (and listen) here.
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