Venus & Jupiter Are Visible To The Naked Eye Right Now
Two bright planets will be visible with no equipment necessary this week. Here’s what you need to know.

If you’re planning to look up at the sky this month to check out the Moon with the kids, there are a few days the view might be a little more exciting. With a few days left in February, two planets will shine so brightly that we’ll be able to see them up in our sky, just like the Moon. Here’s what you need to know.
What planets will be visible this month?
Throughout the the rest of February 2023, Venus and Jupiter will be so bright we can see them from here on Earth with just our eyes, according to And for the next few days, the Moon will even make an appearance to brighten up the view.
“Around the evenings of February 21 and 22, you’ll see an even more spectacular scene in the evening twilight sky, as the young moon – a waxing crescent – joins the show,” the publication reports. On Feb. 22, in the evening, you’ll have a chance to spot both planets and the crescent moon.
But if you don’t look up tonight or tomorrow night, don’t worry: The planets will remain visible until the start of March, according to Sky at Night Magazine. And if you don’t have binoculars, fear not: Both planets can be seen up in our sky by the naked eye. But, of course, it’s important to note that binoculars will give stargazers an even cooler view.
How to view the Venus, Jupiter, and the Moon this month.
EarthSky says the best time to watch for the planets is Feb. 21 and 22 because you’ll see the Moon there with them. But when the Moon moves away, Venus and Jupiter will continue to get closer together over the next week or so.
What are you looking for in the sky? If you’re looking with the naked eye, Jupiter and Venus will look like super-sized, super-bright stars.
Your view will be slightly different depending on where you live. To find the best instructions on where to look to spot the planets where you live, Stellarium has a great interactive tool to help narrow down your best chance to spot Venus and Jupiter and to be sure you’re not just looking at some really bright stars on accident.