
Mom’s TikTok Tip On What To Do If Your Child Goes Missing Is A Must-See

A small but very important tip.

by Devan McGuinness
A mom tells you what to do if your child goes missing on TikTok

There are a lot of scary things we have to face as a parent. And we do what we can to reduce the risks of anything going wrong. We get CPR and first aid training. We obsess over installing car seats correctly and becoming more aware of potential dangers in everyday life comes with it. One of the scariest things to worry about is being out with our kid, and turning our back for a second, and they go missing.

But a TikTok video recently went viral for offering a tip to parents so they know exactly what to do should their child ever go missing in a public space, and it could help a lot of parents get reunited with their child much more quickly.

Our instinct when our child goes missing is to frantically look around and shout their name. But according to TikTok user Jess Martini, that’s actually not the most effective way to find them. She took to TikTok and shared a very important tip for parents.

“If you look around and your child is no longer with you, what you want to do is you want to start loudly looking for them,” Jess said. “Do not start silently looking for them. You want to look loudly.”

The mom of three boys said she’s used this tip successfully in her real life, but the tip is more about what you’re shouting loudly while looking for your lost child.

“You start shouting their description while you look,” she shared. “It’s going to sound like this: ‘I’m looking for a boy, age 5, short brown hair, brown eyes, Caucasian, red Nike t-shirt, black shorts!’ You’re going to keep repeating yourself while you look over and over again.”

Why is this more effective than shouting their name? “You’ve got every single person who is around you looking for your child, instead of just you,” Jess added. If “someone was walking away with your child, they are more likely to let them go because they don’t want that sort of commotion.”