Kid Wrote Hilarious Letter Convincing His Mom to Let Him Stay Home After Missing the Bus
"I know you must be on a roller coaster of emotions right now but rest assured, I've decided to stay home."

When most kids miss the bus, they call their parents to get a ride to school. But one genius kid took a different approach, as he decided to stay home and wrote a hilarious letter to his mom justifying the decision.
“As your son, I regret to inform you that I’ve missed my means of transportation,” he wrote. “I know you must be on a roller coaster of emotions right now but rest assured, I’ve decided to stay home. This was a tough decision to make while you were gone for 20 minutes. I’m probably in my bed moping about the fact I can’t go to school so please don’t interrupt me. If you require any further assistance, please see the pros/cons chart on the backside.”
To really convince his mom that she should let him play hooky, he even created a “pros and cons” list on the back which showed the upside of staying home far outweighed any potential downside. The Pros: “First day home this quarter, grades with be fine” and “Today was gonna be a bad one, can’t get over my hair.”And the Cons: “Might become a habit (doubtful)” and “You have to call the school and tell them I’ve got polio.”His dedication to avoiding school paid off, as his sister Sarah revealed that their mom did, in fact, let him stay home and enjoy a much-needed day off, Ferris Bueller style.
Sarah also posted the note on her Twitter, where it quickly went viral, receiving over 872,000 likes and nearly 200,000 retweets in just a couple days.
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