
Parents Celebrate Last Kid Moving Out With Epic ‘Empty Nest’ Photo Shoot

"Most parents are a little sad when they hit the 'empty nest' phase of life. HOWEVER, my parents seem thrilled."

by Blake Harper
Originally Published: 
Haley Marie Photography

For parents, it can be emotional when their last kid finally leaves home to go out into the world. But while most parents might shed a tear seeing their son or daughter head off to college or move out, Amy and Randy English decided to show off their excitement by having a hilarious ‘Empty Nest’ photo shoot.

The best part? The photographer was their daughter Haley Jones, who is moving out of her parents’ house in Pontotoc, Mississippi to become a full-time nanny. Haley is also a photographer and, initially, she wanted to take photos of her parents at her new apartment but her mom came up with the idea of an empty nest photo shoot.

“We have a crazy sense of humor and we just thought it would be funny to do something like this,” Haley Jones told Fox 35.

The hilarious photo shoot shows Amy and Randy in a state of pure bliss while holding signs with tongue-in-cheek messages including “Expecting 0 Kids June 2019” and “Our Favorite Kids” except their dogs are in the photo instead of their actual kids.

Haley Marie posted the photo shoot on her Facebook page with the caption: “Most parents are a little sad when they hit the ’empty nest’ phase of life. HOWEVER, my parents seem thrilled.” The photos quickly went viral, receiving nearly 200,000 shares in just a couple of days. Thousands of parents commented on the photos, showing their support for the hilarious idea.

“Wish we would have done this,” one user wrote.” We have been empty nesters since 2007! Love it! Talk to my girls very frequently and see them often! Love the grands!!! But we sure do love our life together!”

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