
You Need To See These First Images From ‘Perseverance’ Mars Rover

These images are incredible.

by Blake Harper
Originally Published: 
An Image from the Mars Perseverance Rover

NASA managed to pull off its first Mars landing in nearly a decade last week when the rover Perseverance was able to reach the surface of the planet successfully. Along with the mission of potentially finding evidence of past life, Rover has already been able to get some impressive photos and videos of the surface of Mars.

Whether you missed seeing the landing live or just want more Mars content, you’ll definitely want to check out the first high-resolution, color image of the majestic red surface of the planet. And that’s not all that you can see from the historic landing, as video of the descent is available to watch as well, which includes some truly amazing footage of the moment that Perseverance touches down on the red surface of our neighboring planet.


And the video even comes with audio of what it sounds like on the surface of Mars, giving you the closest look you might have of going to space. NASA Administrator Steve Jurczyk said that Perseverance has “already has provided some of the most iconic visuals in space exploration history” so this is definitely not something you are going to want to miss.


“Video from landing chronicles major milestones during the final minutes of its entry, descent, and landing on the Red Planet, as the spacecraft plummeted, parachuted, and rocketed toward the surface of Mars,” NASA reported in a press release. “A microphone on the rover also has provided the first audio recording of sounds from Mars.”

Perseverance was sent to Mars with the hope of getting to the bottom of a question that humans have wondered about long before space travel: was there ever life on Mars? The rover landed on the Jezero Crater, which was chosen by NASA because it is believed to have been the home of an ancient river delta billions of years ago. The hope is that Perseverance will be able to collect soil samples that could perhaps finally point to evidence of life on Mars.


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