
Middle Class Dads Freak Out About Trump Tax Hike

Many feel betrayed after realizing that Trump's tax reform actually increased the amount of taxes they are expected to pay.

by Blake Harper
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It’s February which means it’s officially everyone’s favorite time of year: tax season! And while most of us will be putting off tracking down our W-2’s until early April, some people have already managed to file their taxes. And among those early birds, many in the middle class have been shocked to find that instead of the nice little chunk of change they were expecting with their return, they actually owe money to Uncle Sam.

What’s the reason for this financial switcheroo? It stems from President Trump’s tax reform, which was passed in 2017 and was touted by Trump and the GOP as a win for the middle class. However, with the new tax system now in place, Americans are discovering that most of the tax relief from the bill is actually being experienced by corporations.

Meanwhile, many people are seeing an increase in taxes due to the bill eliminating many of the deductions that were used by middle-class families in order to lower the amount of taxes they were required to pay. Most notably, the tax reform placed a cap on deductions for taxes on both state and local levels.

Unsurprisingly, people have not been happy to discover that what they expected to be a decrease in taxes paid is actually an increase. Those who had been supporters of Trump are especially infuriated, as many were under the assumption that he would provide financial relief for middle-class families, something that he consistently promised during his Presidential campaign. Many have even taken their anger online, with #GOPTaxSCAMStories trending on Twitter as more and more members of the middle-class express their feelings of betrayal towards Trump and Republicans.

Several users explained that they had voted for Trump and now were left wondering if they had made the wrong decision.

Others presented just how much their taxes had shifted in just a year, highlighting how much of a shock the effect of this bill has been.

And many swore that they would no longer be supporting Trump, as they felt misled by the President.

While Democrats may have been tempted to mock Republicans for getting tricked by Trump, many instead said they deserved sympathy, since they had been victims of “statistical manipulation.”

With Trump already struggling to maintain support among most groups other than the ultra-wealthy, could the implementation of his tax reform actually backfire and cause him to further lose supporters from the middle class? Only time will tell but based on early responses, that seems like a distinct possibility.

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