
Celebrity Perks: Mandy Moore’s Husband Gifted Their Kid a Mandy Moore Barbie Doll

Not every kid can get a vintage Barbie doll of their mom for Christmas.

by Lizzy Francis

When it comes to Christmas, gift-giving can be like an Olympic sport. The perfect gift is thoughtful, useful, maybe something that’s too nice for someone to buy themselves, and, at times, a little funny, like a gag gift.

And a funny (and thoughtful!) gift is exactly what Mandy Moore’s husband, Taylor Goldsmith, gifted their baby son Gus. How awesome is the gift? Think: early 2000’s Mandy Moore Barbie doll.

Yes, for the older millennials among us, we all remember when Mandy Moore was not just an actress and a singer-songwriter but also a bonafide pop star. And though Mandy Moore is definitely still a mega-popular, super successful musician — her last album, Silver Landings, was released in 2020 to positive acclaim — she’s not an early-aughts pop star at the moment getting Barbie dolls made for her. She’s more a low-key singer-songwriter who values her privacy than a glitz and glam pop star.

But somehow, Goldsmith found one of the old Barbies and gave it right to their infant son. She shared a picture of it on Instagram.

Of course, that’s not all their kid got on Christmas. Sadly, it appears his favorite toy is not his mom-shaped Barbie, but a set of bells. Maybe he’s a musician in the making just like mom and dad — and one who could get his own Barbie made one day!

Anyway, it’s a cool gift because it’s just not everybody who can get a Barbie from their mom for Christmas, especially one that so many millennial kids wanted for themselves when Mandy Moore was dropping hits like “Candy.”