
Watch Gordon Ramsay’s Goofy-Bad Dance Moves In Viral TikTok

Turns out just because you're the GOAT at one thing doesn't mean you're the GOAT at everything.

by Lizzy Francis
Originally Published: 
Gordon Ramsay dances poorly on TikTok

Looks like Gordon Ramsay may be a great cook — but not an awesome dancer, a TikTok has revealed.

In December, Gordon Ramsay graced his daughter Tilly Ramsay’s TikTok with the viral “This or That” challenge — and Tilly Ramsay absolutely flamed her Michelin-star chef dad by saying she preferred her mom, Tana Ramsay’s, cooking, over her dad’s. Well, despite being flamed and publicly embarrassed by his teen daughter, Gordon has come back to gracer her TikTok (never mind the fact that he has a prolific app presence of his own.)

In this one, the pair do another on-trend TikTok challenge, a duo dance done to Best Ever by Polo Frost — and the results are hilarious. While Tilly Ramsay can more than hold her own in what is admittedly a way more simple dance than what is usually featured on the app populated by Gen Z-ers, Gordon really struggles to hang on — and according to the comments, that’s not for lack of trying.

Tilly alludes that Gordon practiced for quite some time before they recorded the dance video, but if he did, it would be genuinely hard to tell. The dad-dance moves are over the top in the viral video and the lack of rhythm is simply immaculate. They can barely make it through the entire, very short dance, without bursting into laughter over the dad-rhythm Gordon has on display.

Anyway, it’s a fun, lighthearted video — and always a great reminder that even the world’s toughest chefs can’t dance (and are willing to look goofy on camera with their kids.) The next time Gordon flames someone for their cooking on TikTok, they should just respond with this dancing video. It proves, at least, that even the most talented people can’t be talented at everything.

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