The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Google Easter Egg is a Blast from the Past
You have to check it out.

Google is the world’s pre-eminent search engine, one that has become synonymous with finding something out on your own. But the ever-present search engine isn’t the same every day. Google often throws fun Easter Eggs into the searches to keep things fun. For example, if you type “Askew” into the search, it shifts everything sideways. If you type Alex Trebek into the search bar, it asks, “Did you mean: WHO IS Alex Trebek?” And the latest Easter Egg is all about the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Here’s what you need to know.
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is one of the most known and loved sitcoms of all time. In a space dominated by white families, the fully Black cast was a very needed perspective we didn’t see much on TV at that time. It’s one of those shows that will go down as the best of the best, not just for its time, but re-watching it now is still entertaining and relevant.
And that’s why we’re obsessed with the Easter egg Google has honoring the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. We’re not sure when it became a feature on the search site, but when Angie Thomas, a New York Times Bestselling author, tweeted about it on May 18, everyone flocked to give it a try.
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’s