
This Chart Reveals That Humans Have A Mating Season Based on Birth, Conception Data

Here's when everyone's getting busy and having babies based on where they live.

by Blake Harper
Originally Published: 

Do humans have a mating season? On the surface, it may seem like a silly question, as couples can decide to make a tiny human whenever they damn well please. However, a deep dive into the numbers show that this question may not be as ridiculous as it initially sounds and, in fact, data seems to indicate that there are actually specific times of the year where people are more likely to engage in the ancient and sacred art of reproduction, based largely on where you live.

Visme, a company that provides data visualization tools, gathered worldwide birth data between 2000-2015, which was provided by the UN, in order to create several charts which show countries’ most common birth months. The biggest takeaway is that, for the most part, the higher a country’s latitude, the earlier its peak birth month, as countries in the Northern Hemisphere see the highest number of births in July, August, and September.

And as you move down the map, the birth months move as well, with countries in the middle latitude or the “tropical zone” tend to see their births peak at the end of the year, when things are still warm. Meanwhile, countries in the Southern Hemisphere register their highest number of births at the start of the year, in the midst of their “summers,” with some pushing all the way into March, April, or May.

Of course, for a baby to be born, they first have to be made, and Visme also uses its data to dive into when countries are most likely at their peak for conception. Based on the data, it’s clear that humans have a strong affinity for baby-making in the back half of the year, as 38 countries had their peak in July-December vs. only 14 countries peaking in January-June. Interestingly, April is the only month that does not appear be the peak of conceiving for any of the countries charted — so much for spring pollination.

You can view the chart, as well as other birth time visualization data here.

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