The 50 Best Places to Work For New Dads 2018: VMWare
Our list of 50 Best Places to Work For New Dads in 2018 recognizes companies with exceptional paternity leave and benefits programs.

Fatherly’s annual “50 Best Places to Work for New Dads” ranking is a celebration of corporations committed to helping men manage their dual roles as providers and caregivers. Though only one company can be ranked number one, every company featured has provided real support for working parents with exceptional and thoughtful offerings.
Rank: 17
2017 Rank: 7Number of Employees: 12,267
A leader in cloud infrastructure and digital workspace technology, VMware is located in Palo Alto, California, where the majority of its employees work as software engineers. This publicly-traded subsidiary of IT giant Dell produces software that helps companies to securely connect, manage and automate their complex digital infrastructure for Microsoft Windows, Linux, and MacOS. VMware offers 18 full weeks of family leave to full-time employees welcoming a new child.
Along with this impressive amount of time for bonding and taking care of a newborn, VMware offers and additional 10 sick days that can be used for any family member, and 12 days of backup care in case of an emergency. Every new parent is also gifted a $250 Welcome Baby Gift, as well as a personal VMware diaper bag.
Fatherly’s 2018 rankings are based on a scoring metric inclusive of data related to company policies on the following issues: paid parent leave, ramp-back time, flextime, onsite childcare, childcare subsidies, backup childcare, number of sick days, support groups, fertility aid, adoption aid, student loan assistance, education funding, bereavement leave, elder care planning. Length of paid leave, onsite childcare, and ramp-back time were the most heavily weighted ranking factors.