
Kids Who Do Chores Are More Likely to Be Successful. Here’s Why.

Children who help out at home grow up to be happy, healthy, successful adults — when parents dole out the work in the right fashion.

by Lauren Vinopal

This story was produced in partnership with Dawn and Swiffer.

Chores are good for kids. Not just “won’t grow up spoiled good,” but this-is-going-to-get-my-kid-into-a-great-college good. Research shows that kids who do chores grow up to be happier, healthier, more successful adults, and that the sooner kids start doing chores, the better off they are. But why? It seems to all boil down to acclimation. To succeed we all need to work and working hard takes some getting used to. Social scientists suspect that when children are expected to put their toys away, make their beds, or just wipe down the counter around at a young age, they get comfortable with these tasks long before they realize it’s work. When they grow up and inevitably have to accomplish these things, they’re less likely to rail against them. Instead, they simply get things done and are better off for it.

“The skills that kids learn early will last most of their lives. Chores teach kids skills that they will need to survive on their own and to get along with others,” psychologist Dr. Shane Owens tells Fatherly. “From an evolutionary perspective, chores teach kids how to take care of themselves and to be a cooperative, productive member of the tribe.”

But in the age of Roombas and screen-based play, there is evidence that kids these days are doing fewer chores than ever before. But given the benefits of doing chores, parents should take matters into their own hands, make chores a priority, and follow this expert-backed advice on how to help their kids get the most out of doing their chores.

Teach the Skills Associated With the Chores

Let’s face it, young kids don’t have a deep practical skillset (coloring within the lines doesn’t count). Completing small tasks around the house is a good way to build one. Doing chores is one of the first opportunities for children to take on basic, low-stakes responsibilities so they can learn to do them right. Unfortunately, this means that giving children chores does not necessarily translate into less work for parents. It likely means more work, not just because kids may resist responsibilities at first, but they might be bad at them. Sure, if moms and dads want something done right, they can do it themselves and that might seem more efficient and easier in the moment. But if kids are going to ever make their bed instead of jumping on it, it’s worth the time and effort on the front end.

“Kids cannot learn to do that unless they are provided the opportunity and expected to do chores like cleaning up after themselves and helping with cooking, doing the dishes, and laundry,” Owens says.

Focus on Time Management (And, Yes, Use Chore Charts)

“Kids who do chores learn to organize their time and to delay gratification. Both of those are vital skills for later success,” Owens explains. More specifically breaking bigger projects like cleaning the house into smaller, more manageable tasks like putting toys away, shows children how much time and effort certain tasks take. They also learn that sometimes they have to wait before they’re free to go play, which is a reward after getting the job done. In doing this, kids learn something that most adults struggle to implement: it might take a little time to improve their surroundings and make life a little easier, but the investment pays off. Want to really drive home the time and effort with a visual representation for your kid? That’s what chore charts are all about.

Frame Chores as a Household Partnership

Twenty years of research from the University of Minnesota reveals that the single best predictor for future relationship success with family, friends, and romantic partners is doing chores at 3 and 4 years old. However, for children who were not given chores until they were teenagers, the exact opposite was true — they tend to struggle in close relationships across the board. Scientists suspect that when it comes to chores, parents might want to start sooner than later. Owens says parents can start as young as 2 years old, before kids see helping mom and dad as an actual chore, so they are more eager to imitate what their parents do, even if it is as simple as sweeping.

“A kid who learns early to do chores will be a more generous and cooperative partner,” he says. “It’s easier to live and work with a person who has learned to take care of his own stuff and to be responsible for some of the boring work that adult and family life requires.”

Chores Are Work, So Motivate Your Kids Like a Good Boss

Along with childhood chores being the strongest predictor for relationship success, the same University of Minnesota study found that they are significantly correlated with academic and career success as well. Data also indicated that early chores were linked with higher IQs. This echoes the results of the longest-running longitudinal study in history, spanning 75 years, in which Harvard scientists found that success largely depends on individual work ethic, which is correlated with childhood participation in housework.

To Owens, this connection isn’t surprising. “Chores teach kids important self-regulation skills — organization, discipline, and work ethic — and vital relationship skills like cooperation, teamwork, and respect for others. So kids who are expected to do them are more successful.”

Let Them Know Their Contribution Is Meaningful

If childhood chores positively influence romantic relationships and love predicts happiness, then the idea that childhood chores make people happier makes sense. However, that’s not the only reason chores influence happiness. Regardless of relationships, researchers found that participating in chores as a child was a better predictor for mental health in adulthood than social class and family conflict.

“Kids who do chores are happier because it feels good to make meaningful contributions to the family,” Owens explains. “Chores are an important part of adulthood. People who learn early how to do them efficiently will be happier and healthier.”

As kids grow up and continue to contribute to their communities, relationships, and families, by the time they’re adults who have to work, they have more perspective about it. They know there is an upside to their effort and lead with that.