
This Digital Sticky Note Can Order You A Pizza Faster Than You Can Write Out A Grocery List

Finally, an office supply that gets you.

by Dave Baldwin
Originally Published: 
SeeNote Digital Sticky Note

Oh, the ubiquitous yellow Post-It note — great for jotting down lists and reminders, bad for checking the weather in real time. That’s precisely why you need a SeeNote Digital Sticky Note. You already have a bunch of these things plastered on the refrigerator. Now it’s time to add a dash of the Internet of Things.

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With SeeNote, those paper notes you already rely on to remind you to take out the trash, do the dishes, or put the dishes in the trash (life hacks!) now manage your tasks and keep you up-to-date on real-time info — like business meetings or rush hour traffic — using an ePaper touchscreen. You can also leave notes for other people via email, in case you want to set a reminder from work for someone at home. And, using a service like IFTTT or Wink, you can even turn on the house lights and order a pizza — 2 things you were never able to do at the same time, until now.

As you’d expect, the SeeNote is also the size of a Post-It, (3.5 inches), has a magnetic/adhesive back like its analog cousin, and lasts a month before you have to replace the battery. It doesn’t ship until the spring of 2017, but they’re taking discounted pre-orders. Just write yourself a note.

SeeNote Digital Sticky Note ($99)

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