Someone Built A Lunchbox That Makes Packing Easier And Lunch Healthier
Now you can focus on those not-at-all embarrassing notes inside.

School lunch is the bane of any good parent’s existence. (Unless you’re this guy. In that case, school lunch is a wondrous canvas for discovery, creativity, and father-child bonding, and you are the bane of any good brown-baggin’ parent’s existence.) All that time and planning, and you never really know if Junior eats his turkey sandwich or just gives away all that nutritious stuff you painstakingly curated because snack packs are the coolest. With Prepd Pack, you still won’t know what trades are going down, but you’ll definitely save time packing lunch, and the packaging might be just attractive enough to trick your kid into choosing carrot sticks over cookies. If you’re struggling to decide whether a Kickstarted, bento-style lunchbox is as right for your kid as the video makes it seem for you, don’t over-think it. Go with a tried and true decision-making tactic, the old pro-con list.
RELATED: The Best Lunch Boxes And Bags for Back to School
- The modular, interchangeable Prepd Pack storage units allow you to prep and pack all your kid’s meals over the weekend, then just swap them in and out as the school week rolls along.
- Said storage units are rugged enough — and leakproof — to survive the inevitable lunchbox fumble. They’re also dishwasher safe.
- The Prepd Pack is slim and compact to easily fit in your kid’s backpack.
- The accompanying meal-planning app has nutrition information for its preloaded recipes, but your kid won’t eat most of them, so you’ll be left on your own for lunch inspiration pretty quick. Plus, you probably didn’t ask for another nutrition tracking recipe app.
- Did that British dude really just say, “Instagram-worthy meals?”
The Verdict:
Snag one, then enjoy that sweet magnetic cutlery and chopsticks after your kid asks you to please trade them back their plastic Star Wars lunchbox.
This article was originally published on