12 Items Every Father-to-Be Should Have in His Hospital Go-Bag
Stuff you'll need, want, and just be glad you have.

Ah, the hospital go-bag for dads. This zipped bag of necessities for a stay in the maternity ward is standard practice for pregnant women. The contents are arranged and poured over weeks before the big day, with items added and subtracted until the perfect balance is met: this hair tie or that? Sweater or sweatshirt? But a hospital bag for dads is not really considered with the same energy. This makes sense. But it often results in forgetting items an expecting father will want — and need in his hospital bag— so he and his wife are comfortable and prepared when the baby arrives. To help you out, here’s a list of some necessities that should go in a hospital bag for dads to be, including a few of our favorite tried-and-true products that will make the next few days easier — and last for years after.
Hospital Bag for Dads: What to Pack for the Birth of Your Child
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