The Best Kids’ Sleeping Bags for Epic Campouts
Camping, but make it comfy.

All it takes is one faulty piece of gear to tear down a majestic outdoor camping experience and turn it into miserable slog. Kids’ sleeping bags are one of the easiest ways to do this because many parents mistakenly believe that the cheap, blanket-style bags their kids already own (which were designed for indoor slumber parties and the rigors of your living room floor) will hold up in the Great Outdoors . Take it from us, it will not. They are heavy, cold, and completely out of place when central air conditioning is removed. When it comes to ensuring your child has positive experiences in the outdoors, it’s time to skip anything with Baby Yoda or the latest Disney princess and instead get one of the best children’s sleeping bags you can find.
Which bag you select is a matter of size, temperature rating, and comfort. If you’re within walking distance from the car, you can go heavier, but if the nearest road is miles down single track, favor weight and packability. Finally, consider shape, which affects how much room your child will have to wriggle during late-night ghost stories. The way to nurture a lifelong camper is to ensure he or she isn’t traumatized during those first experiences in the backcountry or campground, and a good children’s sleeping bag is the first step in a lifetime of nights spent outdoors.
The Best Sleeping Bags for Kids
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