A Father’s Day Playlist Of Songs That Perfectly Capture What It Means To Be A Dad
Not to be confused with "Songs You'd Blast If You Didn't Have Kids."

The following was produced in partnership with our friends at Spotify.
You spend every other day engineering priceless family memories and finding the perfect soundtrack to match, whether it’s a camping trip, festival, bath time, bedtime, or motionless traffic purgatory. But on this day — your day — the soundtrack ought to capture just what it means to make that sacrifice. Your kids probably won’t really appreciate you until you’re celebrating Grandfather’s Day (stylish though that finger-painted construction paper necktie may be), so you’ll have to leave it to the experts to gift you such a playlist.
These aren’t necessarily the songs that return you to your youth, the tunes you hope your kid will love, or the jams you’d ratchet to 11 if there weren’t a sleeping mini-you in the next room (Exit, Sandman). Rather, here are 20 songs that summarize exactly what it means to be the kind of man who gives up 364 days for just the chance at having one for himself. It’s equal parts swagger, sentimentality, wisdom, and cheese. Just like you.
Listen to the Father’s Day playlist below or follow on Spotify.
This article was originally published on