These New Harry Potter Wands Let Wizards-In-Training Hone Their Skills
"Accio awesomeness!"

Being a Muggle can be a drag sometimes.We don’t have a real Diagon alley or magic schools. But luckily toymaker JAKKS Pacific is teaming up with Warner Bros. is releasing new line of interactive Wizard Training Wands. While none have phoenix-feather cores, they all let users learn to cast spells and play what’s basically Wizardly laser tag.
Each wand comes with a built-in motion sensor (like the kinds in smartphones or Wiimotes) that tracks its movement while young wizards practice the spells included, so precision is key. Remember, swish and flick. Sound effects and a series of five LED lights on each wand’s handle will let you know if the spell was a dud or a master-class in casting, depending on yours skills.
The wands will come in Harry, Dumbledore, and Voledemort designs, and come with 11 different kid-friendly spells (sorry, there’s no killing curse option). JAKKS Pacific’s Training Wands will also have four other play modes that let you go head-to-head against other wizards, including Spell Practice, which lets two players compete to cast a spell the fastest, and Wizard Tag, which is basically laser tag but with hurling spells.
The Wizard Training Wands will hit shelves later this year for $25.