Family Uses Inflatable T-Rex Costumes to Pull Off the Greatest Pregnancy Announcement of All Time
They wanted to go all out for their last child ever.

A lot of people will tell you that part of being in a healthy marriage is finding new and exciting ways to do old things. When Nicole and Daniel Berkeley found out that they’d be having their fifth baby, rather than go with a “cutesy, generic pregnancy announcement” photo, the couple switched it up with a T-Rex themed announcement.
Nicole and her whole family donned some inflatable T-Rex costumes and posed alongside their unhatched egg. Nicole tried to convince Daniel to do this insanely fun idea a year prior, but he decided against the idea. After Nicole suffered a miscarriage earlier this year, Daniel hopped on board once he found out she was pregnant again.
“Since we are big Jurassic World fans and a really quirky and down-to-earth kind of family, it seemed SO fitting! I have a habit of making my crew take lots of pictures and cooperate with my silly ideas,” Nicole told POPSUGAR. “I knew eventually they’d come around, and they did in the BEST WAY! When my kids saw the costumes inflated, they thought it was the funniest thing and were totally on board at that point.”
Susan Garrett Studio
For Nicole, it was all about making sure this announcement was a new experience. While it’s often amazing to share that information with family and friends, as Nicole put it, “this is NOT our first rodeo.” She wanted to make sure that the announcement of what could easily be their last baby was totally unique.
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