Dad Grounds Daughter By Taking Over Her Social Media Accounts
With hilarious results.

Madelynn Sumpter tried to sneak boys into a sleepover, and her parents weren’t happy about her subterfuge. In a brilliant move, they presented her with an ultimatum. The 15-year-old could either give up her phone for an entire month or let her parents use it to post to all of her social media accounts for two weeks. She chose the latter, and the results are priceless.
The takeover began on November 10 with an Instagram post shoring Madelynn doing homework and covering her face in shame because she knows the embarrassment that’s coming her way.
The caption ends by urging her followers to “be on the look out for some amazing instagram posts, snap chats and Tiktoks from her parents!!” It’s a threat that her parents definitely followed through on.
The next post on Madelynn’s Instagram was a selfie of her dad, a hero to fathers of teenagers everywhere.
That was tame compared to what was to come. Dad decided to dress up as his VSCO girl daughter for his next post.
The takeover included all of her social media, which meant dad also made some priceless TikToks like this Kardashian-inspired “cooking demonstration.”
Madelynn’s mom and brother even got in on the act, making her punishment a true family affair.
Thankfully for Madison, but sadly for the rest of us, her punishment is officially over, and she’s regained control of her social media accounts.
The irony is that she gained thousands of followers thanks to her dad’s brilliance, a fact that we’re betting he won’t let her forget for a long, long time.