
After Five States Ban So-Called “Critical Race Theory,” Teachers Plan Protests

Banning critical race theory is more about political propaganda than sound education practice.

First, a fact: racism is a fundamental part of the past and present of the United States. It’s impossible for teachers to educate their students about the slave trade, the Japanese Exclusion Act, Jim Crow, the Know-Nothing Party, the Civil Rights and the Black Lives Matter movement, among countless other historical phenomena, without acknowledging the presence and role of racism and white supremacy. Pretending that those forces simply disappeared from American society at some point in the recent past is similarly inaccurate and doing so is a disservice to kids about to enter the real world.

Here’s What the Bans Are Really About

and the murder of George Floyd.interrogating the role of race and racism in societythe 1619 ProjectNew York Times

Five States Have Banned CRT And More Will Probably Come

passed such laws

America’s long history of structural racism

These Bans Are Terrible For Kids

told USA TodayZinn Education Projectwith these bills is that they could create a “chilling effect”in something like the Reconstruction era

But The Fight’s Not Over