
Anderson Cooper Named His First Kid After His Parents

Wyatt Morgan Cooper was born on Monday, his dad announced in an emotional speech last night.

by Cameron LeBlanc
Originally Published: 

Anderson Cooper isn’t just a zaddy anymore.

The CNN anchorman joined his best TV bud in the ranks of fatherhood after a surrogate gave birth to Wyatt Morgan Cooper on Monday. Cooper made the announcement on his show last night in a characteristically eloquent speech. It was also a damn tear-jerker.

“It has been a difficult time in all of our lives, and there are certainly many hard days ahead,” Cooper said, referring to the COVID-19 pandemic. “It is, I think, especially important in these times of trouble to try to hold on to moments of joy and moments of happiness. Even as we mourn the loss of loved ones, we are also blessed with new life and new love.”

“On Monday, I became a father,” he continued, voice shaking ever so slightly. “I’ve never actually said that before, out loud, and it still kind of astonishes me. I am a dad. I have a son. And I want you to meet him.”

A picture of Wyatt appeared on the screen as Cooper introduced him, the newsman equivalent of a dad pulling out his overstuffed wallet (or smartphone in the 21st century) to show off pictures of his new kid, an instinct Cooper also indulged with an Instagram post.

“He’s named after my dad, who died when I was ten years old. I hope I can be as good a dad as he was. My son’s middle name is Morgan, which is a family name on my mom’s side. I know my mom and dad liked the name Morgan because when I was going through her things recently I found a list they made 52 years ago when they were trying to think of names for me. Morgan was on the list.”

We warned you this was a tear-jerker.

“As a gay kid, I never thought it would be possible to have a child,” Cooper continued before thanking the doctors and nurses who took care of his son.

“Most of all, I am eternally grateful to a remarkable surrogate who carried Wyatt, watched over him—lovingly, tenderly—and gave birth to him. It’s an extraordinary blessing which she and all surrogates give to families who can’t have children.”

“I do wish my mom and my dad and my brother Carter were alive to meet Wyatt, but I like to believe they can see him,” Cooper said, choking up. “I imagine them all together, arms around each other, smiling and laughing and watching, looking down on us, happy to know that their love is alive in me and in Wyatt and that our family continues.

“New life and new love,” he concluded.

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