Buddhist Leader Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche On Sprituality and Raising Daughters
Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche stops by the Fatherly Podcast to talk about bicultural identity, mindfulness, and whether gurus go grocery shopping.

How do we find balance between spiritual and physical living? How do we come to terms with life’s impermanence? How do we raise mindful kids? And do gurus go grocery shopping?
On the newest episode of The Fatherly Podcast, host Joshua David Stein pursues these existential stumpers with spiritual leader Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, leader of the Shambhala Buddhist lineage and a father of three young daughters. As an icon to hundreds of thousands of people, Mipham has struck a careful balance between serving as a leader and raising his children with the same mindfulness and values he tries to teach his followers. In the episode, the two talk about growing up with a bicultural identity, the importance of selflessness, and the Sakyong’s recent book, The Lost Art of Good Conversation.
Later on in the episode, Fatherly science editor Josh Krisch switches hats for a special edition of “Oh Hey, Science” called “Oh Hey … God.” Krisch, an Orthodox rabbi and a father of two himself, discusses the tension between spiritual life and family life, and how moments of clarity can help us make the world better.
Tune in next week for a brand new episode of The Fatherly Podcast, which may not be as metaphysical, but will certainly be as deep.
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