Schools Ban Non-Immunized Students After Disneyland Measles Outbreak
The Huntington Beach City School District just banned its unvaccinated children from school after they had been accused of spreading measles at Disneyland.
health officials have ordered24 Huntington Beach High School students
without proof of immunization to stay away from campus. The Huntington Beach City School District includes multiple communities where the number of unvaccinated children has risen above 8 percent, which is the number experts cite as being potentially dangerous when it comes to the spread of infectious diseases normally contained through vaccination.
The current outbreak has been dubbed “The Disneyland Outbreak,” after officials identified the theme park as its source, and presumably indicates one more public place the banned students won’t be welcome on their mandatory days off from school. Considering measles is so infectious that a single person can get up to 18 people sick in non-immunized communities, you can’t blame the local schools and businesses for being cautious. It is a small world, after all.
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