How To Get Out Of The Kid’s Meal Rut
The new recipe page at Dinner A Love Story offers quick and easy options for dads to help them upgrade their kid's dinner.

If you just can’t bring yourself to load up the toaster oven with fish sticks for the eight gazillionth night in a row, you’re not a horrible parent and your kid doesn’t have to go hungry for the night. While it’s unlikely that you can completely flip the script and get them to go out with you for sushi, the key to keeping things fresh when cooking for a palette of one-and-a-half is to make slight tweaks on well-established meals or introduce barely-exotic versions of new ones. The recipe page at Dinner A Love Story (a site founded by a mother in precisely your situation) is a treasure trove of this sort of thing, including things like chicken wings, chicken and arugula salad and a spaghetti omelet. For a baking recipes that have the added benefit of potentially getting your kids excited about being in the kitchen and making food, check out Disney’s recipe page. Yes, there will be Frozen tie-ins, but it’s a small price to pay for Captain America’s apple pie.
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