This Is Why You’re About To See A Bunch Of Guys With Painted Fingernails
Hint: It involves ending violence against kids.
You know how, every November, guys everywhere start sprouting mustaches, and you’re reminded of 2 things: “Movember” is a global campaign to raise money for men’s health issues, and mustaches are awesome? Well, this October, guys are going to be raising the self-adornment-for-a-good-case game another notch with the second annual ” Polished Man” campaign.
Polished Man is an innovative fundraising and awareness campaign to help the one-in-5 kids globally who are abused physically or sexually by the time they turn 18. You read that right: one-in-5. Read this right, while you’re at it: 90 percent of sexual violence is perpetrated by males, the majority of whom know their victim. This is a scourge that men create, and Polished Man aims to get men everywhere committed to ending it.
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Participating is so simple, it’s ridiculous: make a donation, paint your fingernail, and then share images of your adorable finger on social media. The nail painting bit is rooted in Polished Man’s origin story, which involves a young Cambodian girl who manages to find joy while recovering from exactly the kind of abuse you’re signing on to help end, but you’re doing it so that everyone who follows you on social media will see how badass as you look in that shade of “$1 Slice Red” and help you spread the word.
At Fatherly, we’re all in on Polished Man (how else do you think we learned there’s a nail polish color called “$1 Slice Red”?), and hope you are, too. Because ending violence against children is going to require every one of us to play a part, and if we can pull off nail polish, so can you. Join us today.
This article was originally published on