The Kaboost Booster Seat Lifts The Chair Instead Of Your Kid
Give your toddler a leg up. 4, in fact.

There’s something to be said for taking a widely-accepted concept that’s been around for ages and flipping it on its head. Or butt — as the case may be. Kaboost is a portable booster seat that doesn’t just raise your kid up in their chair, it raises the whole damn chair.
Remember those lifts you put on your dorm room bed in college, right before you had the terrible idea to loft it? Kaboost is kind of like that. It uses spring-loaded arms to attach to the bottom of most 4-legged chairs. Once locked, the chair can be elevated 3.75-inches or 4.5-inches depending on the setting chosen. Kids sit up as tall as they would in a standard booster seat — except now they feel all grown up.
The wider base adds stability, so even though it only weighs 3.5 pounds, Kaboost can hold up to 300 pounds (good to know for those times your kid hits up a Vegas buffet). And the non-slip rubberized feet ensure your hardwood floors don’t get all dinged up. Kaboost also comes in one of three colors (gray, brown, and green) to match at least three kitchen decors. Looks like phone books just lost their last excuse for existing.
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