Get Qurious Maker Box Brings Augmented Reality Play To Your 4-Year-Old
With Get Qurious, they're part of the story!

Regardless of whether you consider augmented reality the interactive wave of the future or a guilt-free way to hand a 5-year-old an iPad for two hours (they’re playing in the real world, dammit!), it’s tough to argue that kids don’t enjoy jumping seeing virtual content appear in the real world. Rather than set them free in search of Squirtles, however, why not use AR to help them actually learn something?
Targeted to 4-to-9-years olds, Get Qurious is a new augmented-reality kit designed to “foster thinking, reading, building, and discovering.” It uses the Qurious App on your iPad/iPhone (unfortunately, no Android app yet) and physical game pieces to let kids engage in four fun activities ⏤ everything from building and bringing a puzzle to life in 3D, to reading/interacting with the Three Little Pigs while wearing a paper swine mask. They can even use the sticker book to create and animate their own stories. All they have to do is point and play.
The Get Qurious Maker Box comes with 12 story page cards, 2 masks, 1 double-sided puzzle, and said sticker book. Get Qurious was a successfully funded Kickstarter and is already in production, which means you can order today. Before getting back, of course, to that guilt-free beer while your kid plays with your smartphone.
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