Common Sense Tips For Ensuring Your Kid’s Toys Are Safe
A new toy is pretty much the pinnacle of a kid's existence, so make sure not ruin it for them with a trip to the hospital.

Here’s a sobering fact: 718 kids wind up in the emergency room with all manner of toy-related injuries and issues every day. There are plenty of obvious things to keep in mind when it comes to toy safety — like identifying small pieces as choking hazards and keeping anything with string or ribbon out of a crib where they could inadvertently wrap around a finger, foot or neck. But don’t lose sight of the subtle things, either: poorly-made toys are liable to break and create dangerous edges. Cheap stuffed animals are often stuffed with pellets that present choking hazards if Tigger The Tiger comes apart at the seams. Electronic toys should be “UL Approved,” which means that OSHA agrees they won’t electrocute your kid. At this age, a new toy is pretty much the pinnacle of a kid’s existence, so make sure not ruin it for them with a trip to the hospital.
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