A Website That Connects Fathers In 16 Major Cities
The next time you find yourself with a question and you're pretty sure all the ladies in the playground are going to judge you for asking it, check out City Dads Group. There's probably a chapter near you.

In 2008, 2 like-minded stay-at-home dads in New York City were lamenting the fact that all the resources available to them were mom-specific and the moms weren’t always particularly welcoming of them at the local playgrounds. They started City Dads Group as a way to connect with other fathers, and the site has blown up into a nation-wide network with active chapters from Atlanta to San Francisco. It’s a resource for everything from play dates to workshops to networking, so the next time you find yourself with a question and you’re pretty sure all the ladies in the playground are going to judge you for asking, check it out. Because your family judges you enough as it is.
This article was originally published on