A Quick Guide To Bike Seats And Trailers
Whether you want a front-mounted seat, a rear-mounted seat, a trailer or one of those weird trailer bike things, everything you need is right here.
Even if you’re already on the balance bike program and plan to have the kid completing their first century by age 5, it’s going to be a while before they can keep up on an actual ride. Fortunately, there are all sorts of contraptions and gizmos built to facilitate dragging them with you on your own long hauls. Whether your want a front-mounted seat, a rear-mounted seat, a trailer or one of those weird trailer bike things depends on a bunch of factors, including their size and strength, and where you plan on riding. You have questions; the nice lady at Two Wheeling Tots has answers – including a for reals legit mountain bike trailer bike situation you can use to rip single track with them. Seriously.
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