Child Development

Screen Time

Too Much TV May Have A Shocking Effect On Toddlers

ByTyler Santora

A new study looks at the link between atypical sensory processing and screen time.

Talk It Out

Nursery Rhymes Help Babies Learn Language — Even In The Womb

ByTyler Santora

It’s all about the rhythm of your speech.

Young boy sitting on a soccer ball on a soccer pitch with his hands covering his face as three kids ...
Youth Sports

Experts Pinpoint How Youth Athletes Can Use Stress To Their Advantage

ByChristian Dashiell

Hopefully, these new insights will keep more kids involved with youth sports.

Trans Kids

Anti-Gender-Affirming Care Laws Constitute Child Abuse, Argues Bombshell Paper

ByTyler Santora

Laws that ban gender-affirming care for trans youth amount to medical neglect and emotional abuse, pediatricians argue in a new paper.

Three children sitting on a couch, eating pizza and watching TV,
Screen Time

One Very Important Reason Not To Show Kids Adult TV Shows

ByTyler Santora

New research emphasizes the dangers of letting kids watch shows not meant for them.

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Screen Time

Too Much TV May Have A Shocking Effect On Toddlers

ByTyler Santora

A new study looks at the link between atypical sensory processing and screen time.

Talk It Out

Nursery Rhymes Help Babies Learn Language — Even In The Womb

ByTyler Santora

It’s all about the rhythm of your speech.

Youth Sports

Experts Pinpoint How Youth Athletes Can Use Stress To Their Advantage

ByChristian Dashiell

Hopefully, these new insights will keep more kids involved with youth sports.

Trans Kids

Anti-Gender-Affirming Care Laws Constitute Child Abuse, Argues Bombshell Paper

ByTyler Santora

Laws that ban gender-affirming care for trans youth amount to medical neglect and emotional abuse, pediatricians argue in a new paper.

Screen Time

One Very Important Reason Not To Show Kids Adult TV Shows

ByTyler Santora

New research emphasizes the dangers of letting kids watch shows not meant for them.

Screen Time

Gaming Is Worse Than TV For Kids In One Very Worrisome Way

ByKristi Pahr

It’s no secret that screen time before bed can make it harder to fall asleep. Some screen time is more harmful than others.

Child Development

5 Reasons To Let Kids Buy Presents, According To Child Psychologists

ByLauren Vinopal

Even if it’s with your own money.

Child Development

Why Gay Dads So Often Raise Happier, Better-Behaved Kids

BySam Manzella

Gay dads parent better, but straight parents can learn their ways.


Yes, Preemies Need Skin-to-Skin Contact, Too

ByKristi Pahr

A new study highlights the importance of skin-to-skin contact for premature newborns — and the role dads have in kangaroo care.

Infant Intelligence

Seriously, What The Hell Is Your Baby Thinking?

ByKristi Pahr

Your baby's brain is something else.